Why spiders?
Argiope aurantia Argiope amoena
Two species of the writing spiders. The spider symbolising creativity. The message is clear you weave your own web in life. The reality you see before you was created by yourself. If it does not suit you then change it.
The spider is strength and gentleness combined. Her body is shaped like the number 8 and she has 8 legs, which is symbol of infinite possibilities of creation. The spider can teach you to slow down, use precision and take your time to create things in life. It invites you to look at situations from different angles and not jump to conclusions. Spiders invite you to look more closely at your personality and see which parts you haven't come to terms with yet. Do you feel insecure about what others say about you. Do you not like certain parts of your self. The spiders wants you to reach inner peace. The spider represents strong feminine energy, creativity, patience and strength. It helps become more receptive and intuitive and rely on your unique gifts to get you ahead in life.
According to Greek mythology Arachne was a talented mortal weaver who challenged goddess Athina, goddess of wisdom and crafts, to a weaving contest. Athena was defeated and thus turned the girl into a spider to punish her.
When two writing spiders meet the result can be amazing. You need a partner in crime, in life, in professional development.
This is our blog for creative sanity. It is written while we weave our web through life, while transporting our kids to school, while shopping at the supermarket, while managing jobs, partners, cooking, running a million errands while trying not to let go of our feminine side. Ideas are shot in the shower, in the car, in the elevator, at any quiet moment we can grab onto, in our hectic lives. At any moment when we have the luxury to think outside the box. They are then bounced back and forth between us and this is how we weave our web.
A blog for our creative sanity.